Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Snares and Grace

Pulling into the parking space of our local post office I grabbed my Nikon
to play with while my hubby was inside.
Walking across the lawn the sun bounced off the rusty chain link fence and
a certain leaf immediately caught my attention.
Up close, I smiled and as I always do, thanked the Lord for the gift of seeing Him
in my very ordinary every day life.

What I saw was the this leaf hovering over the spiky fence.
Giving me my version of the perfect picture of the beautiful song,
Amazing Grace, by John Newton.

The leaf looked as if it had been snared by that fence once too often.
Yet, it was still hanging on.
Still softly blowing in the cool light breeze.
I thought of His grace.
Grace that binds up our wounds and gives us strength
to continue our journey until at last we are home with Jesus.


From my heart to yours may His grace surround you.
May it comfort you.
 May it bless you this day,  right where you are my friend.


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From my heart to yours I so hope your visit today has been blessed.